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Moore Lab News 



1/25 Matt Panichello starts position at Starfish


2/25 Stephen Niño Cital was editor for Pain Management for Veterinary Technicians and Nurses (2nd Edition), published by Wiley




4/24 Moore and Tolias lab begin Enigma project 


6/24 Ethan Trepka wins Stanford BioX Fellowship


6/24 Calvin Leng joins the lab


7/24 Tirin is elected councilor for the Society for Neuroscience


8/24 Stephen Niño Cital wins the Change Maker Award for Animal Welfare


9/24 Sharif Saleki joins the lab


9/24 Stephen Niño Cital contribute two chapters on diversity, equity, and inclusion in Veterinary Clinics of North America series, published by Elsevier


10/24 Ethan Trepka wins an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship




1/23 Lab alumni, Tatian Engel accepts position at Princeton University as Assistant Professor


3/23 Tirin wins the Andrew Carnegie Prize in Mind and Brain Sciences from the Carnegie Mellon University Neuroscience Institute


7/23 Tirin is appointed first Ben Barres Professorship in Neurobiology


11/23 Donatas Jonikaitis starts position at Apple



6/22 Ethan Trepka joins the lab


8/22 Danielle Abreu Lopes contributed Chapter 8, Environmental Enrichment for Laboratory Animals in Fundamental of Environmental Enrichment, published by Payá


8/22 Stephen Niño Cital and his business partners opened Remedy Veterinary Specialist in San Francisco, a clinical neurology and pain management specialty practice.


12/22 Lab alumni, Sebastian Weingärtne received ERC starting grant and named Dekker Laureate



1/21 Tirin is elected into the National Academy of Sciences

4/21 Tirin wins the Pradel Research Award


4/21 Matthey Panichello joins the lab


6/21 Tirin wins The Golden Brain Award from the Minerva Foundation

4/21 Stephen Niño Cital was lead editor for Cannabis Therapy in Veterinary Medicine, published by Springer


5/24 Stephen Niño Cital contributed to Chapter 7, Nonopioid Analgesia Alternatives and Locoregional Block in Small Animal Anesthesia Techniques (2nd Edition), published by Wiley




2/2020 Lab alumni, Tatiana Engel named Sloan Fellow




1/19 Lab Alumni, Nick Steinmetz begins faculty position and starts his own lab at University of Washington

7/19 Sebastian Weingärtne’s paper on online spike recovery is an NER best paper finalist and joins as faculty at Delft University of Technology


8/19 Lab alumni, Xiaomo Chen awarded NIH Pathway to Independence grant


9/19 Shreyas Muralidharan joins the lab


10/19 Ruobing Xia joins the lab




2/18 Lab alumni, Nir Nissim joined the Department of Industrial Engineering and Management Ben-Gurion University


4/18 Shude Zhu joins the lab

10/18 Moore Lab helps pioneer neuropixel technology 



5/17 Lab alumni, Becket Ebitz paper is the cover of JNeuroscience 

9/17 Lab alumni, Tatian Engel accepts position at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory as Assistant Professor

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